Can you export Figma prototype as GIF?

Not directly. You can use software like OBS to screen record and export the recording as a GIF, but you will probably end up with large-sized files.

Step-by-Step Guide

Follow these steps to export your Figma prototype as a GIF:

  1. Install OBS: OBS (Open Broadcaster Software) is a free and open-source screen recording software. Go to the OBS website ( and download the appropriate version for your operating system.
  2. Set Up Recording: Once OBS is installed, open the software, and configure your recording settings. You can adjust the recording area to fit your Figma prototype, choose the desired frame rate, and set the output folder for saving the recording.
  3. Prepare Your Figma Prototype: Open your Figma prototype in your web browser or the Figma desktop app. Make sure it is ready for presentation, and all the interactions you want to capture are set up properly.
  4. Start Recording: In OBS, click on the "Start Recording" button to begin capturing your Figma prototype as you interact with it.
  5. End Recording: Once you have demonstrated your prototype completely, click on the "Stop Recording" button in OBS to end the screen recording.
  6. Export as GIF: After stopping the recording, you can use video editing software or online tools to convert the recorded video to a GIF format. Keep in mind that GIF files can be large, so consider adjusting the GIF's resolution and frame rate to reduce its size while preserving quality.

Tips for Optimal GIF Export

  • Keep the prototype interactions concise to reduce the recording's length and the resulting GIF size.
  • Experiment with different GIF settings (frame rate, resolution, color palette) to find the right balance between file size and visual quality.
  • If your GIF file size is still too large, consider using online GIF compression tools to further reduce it.

Remember that while this method allows you to export your Figma prototype as a GIF, the resulting file size may not be ideal for sharing on certain platforms or websites. Consider using GIFs sparingly and opt for other formats (like videos or interactive prototypes) when possible.

With this guide, you can now showcase your Figma prototypes in GIF format using OBS and make your design presentations more dynamic and engaging.

July 25, 2023

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